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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Shiloh Museum Pod Cast

In October I gave a visual presentation  and talk at the Shiloh Museum of Ozark History on the upcoming documentary graphic novel What Follows Is True...Crescent: The Baker Years. .  You can find an audio version of the talk at Shiloh Museum Podcasts under Places.  You can also access it at iTunesU by searching for Crescent Hotel.

Thanks to Shiloh Museum Collections Manager Carolyn Reno and Photo Archivist/Research Librarian Marie Demeroukas.

Crescent Hotel Magazine Feature

Recently our upcoming documentary graphic novel What Follows is True was mentioned in a fantastic article about the Crescent Hotel in the October issue of Joplin Metro Magazine by Kevin McClintock and photos by T. Rob Brown.  Thanks so much Kevin.  Click on the images below to read the article.